Welcome ToSwapBanana.com

About Us

Welcome to SwapBanana! We are the premier online market service to Swap, Wish, and Sell your goods, gigs, and services!

To get started, register today and setup your own 'MY STORE' for FREE! "One Man's Trash is Another Man's Treasure."

Swap out your unwanted household or office items, new or old, that you no longer want or need for things you want or need today!

And Sell, while working a Swap deal, your new or used goods, gigs or services to turn them quickly into $ Cash or ฿ Bana quicker. With our valuable, cash-credit called ฿ Bana, you can pay other Members for buying or sweetening your swap deals online! After your deal is done, a $1 or ฿1 Bana Members ad fee is applied.

Members may pay for purchases through our website where payments go directly from Buyers to Sellers. Or Members may contact Sellers directly to pay with cash, check, wire transfer, Bitcoin, Venmo, Google Pay, Apple Pay, etc.

And you my freely create a wish list of goods, gigs or services that you want or need too! And when you sign up for our free Newsletter, you are automatically enrolled for your free Wish-to-Swap Match Alerts that does all the work for you by automatically matching your wishes to any items for swap or sale from other Members in real time.

Remember, we are an online market where Members can access details about other Members goods, gigs, and services, and vice-versa, and create wish-list for wanted or needed items. We aims at helping Members swap, buy, or sell goods, gigs, and services at very little cost or risk.

As always, exercise common sense when dealing with someone you don't know. Chat with them first to make a deal for swapping or selling. After comfortable and with reasonable precautions in place, arrange shipping for the items.

You may swap, buy, and sell items and process payment through PayPal for cash or exchange for ฿ Bana with our preferred rate. Use your ฿ Bana balance for transactions to save your cash money when transacting for goods, gigs, and services.

Finally, we at SwapBanana are committed to insuring that every Member of our community is satisfied with our services. We are constantly looking for areas of improvement and welcome sharing new ideas and thoughts to accommodate Members. We'd love to hear your ideas and thoughts too! We hope that you enjoy our site and all of the benefits it brings you as a Member.

Please Contact Us if you have any questions or comments.